Welcome to Clinton County Kentucky!

Dale Hollow Lake
Welcome to Clinton County located between beautiful Dale Hollow Lake and Magnificent Lake Cumberland.
As the County Clerk, I hope you find this website useful. I hope that the information displayed here will help you when you have questions regarding transactions with this office. We remain committed to providing the citizens of Clinton County with the most effective service possible through this internet site, as well as, in the county clerk office.

Lake Cumberland
We have all the latest computer equipment in an effort to speed you along your way when you have business with this office. Whether you’re applying for a new vehicle title, registering to vote, filing a new deed, or surveying a plat, we have the equipment installed to make that task go smoothly and quickly. We are continually working hard in this office to make you proud that you live in Clinton County.
Nathan Collins
Clinton County Clerk
100 South Cross Street, Suite 103
Albany, KY 42602
Phone 606-387-5943